When we look to solutions one should consider this; Divine and Natural If you are not to fussed on a God, gods, creator, then think of the Divine as what physicists and astrophysics are working on. In the beginning there was a Spark. This is confirmed in both philosophical and theosophical realms of though. That is to say, the spiritual & scientific agree on a spark. What caused it, what happened the moment before....who knows. This spark cause energy to explode, electricity, light, sound, frequency, vibration, magnetics into matter into galaxies, stars, planets, moons etc. FYI - the number of god or nature is 3. Think of the Atom - proton, electron, neutron. Mind, Body, Soul. Thermal light, UV Light, Inferred etc. However, what occurs on our planet to allow for life, is not so on Mars. Both planets exist under the divine law, but the natural law is not the same, yet subject to the Devine. For people, our natural law is conception with a sperm and egg. Incubation in a womb, once born, heavy reliance on the mother, father, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, extended family, community. This has been so for a long time, we were divided into family groups, attached to tribes. This is natural. It is natural for us to have a mother and father, as well as having a mother and father of the tribe. When we are born into a family and tribe, our natural behaviour is shaped by those around us and the environment we live in. Lush environment, good living, harsh environment, hard living. The difference between a hunger wolf and a content one, you know which is more dangerous. One could argue that because of how we evolved concepts like civilization and systems of government, commerce and systems of trade are natural because they came from our mind. Except they do not appear in nature, these are artificial creations. For good or evil, we have come to accept a system of government and a system of commerce, along side the natural systems. So how do we get a natural man, women and child to exist in the artificial? We all know that today we have been conned, that we have been involved in these things through ignorance, through presumptions, through coercion, through just trying to fit in to the crowd. Yet, if we learn the artificial, just as we do learn the acceptable behaviours, first from our parents and family, then teachers and friends, later work and others, we can comfortably give positive consent to a creation like Sovereignty Agreement Something that everyone on an individual basis, rather then a presumed collective agreement done by people long dead, such as the constitution or like Bills of Rights etc. It is true the Indigenous Tribes have first claim, therefore get first say, but everyone born here was born under the divine and natural law, not artificial laws of civics and commerce. A Sovereignty Agreement is both a natural and artificial thing because it exists artificially, but requires our will and consent, which is natural. So it should be consider this is not part of the system of governance, rather a bridge to it. It is what we walk across as natural men, women and children in order to deal with government and commerce. Since the later are fiction, the former is real divine, natural and sovereign. Never forget that the system they created is from a past civilization, they love and honour, but it was a slave and theft system.