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Join date: Aug 7, 2021


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Hi All, great to be on here and joining in the fight for our God given inalienable rights, our freedoms, our constitution, our magna carta, our common law rights, our Anzacs, our country, the world, our health, our wealth, our kids and grandkids future along with future generations to come.

I just want to do my bit, spread the truths throughout the entire world, as hard as it might be for many people to listen to, take in and accept.

I want to spread my knowledge far and wide and for the love of God and our saviour take back this planet from the grasp of Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet and all evil walking amongst on this planet.

We are gods children and we have a job to do, LET'S DO IT AND VICTORY WILL BE OURS.

I just want to make a significant difference in this world for everyone to aspire to.

LET'S DO THIS FOR OUR KIDS, GRANDKIDS AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, GOD AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST who died on the cross for us driving the money changers out of the temple.

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