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How the QMS Works

This is how we use the QMS to change Policy

The Process the QMS system uses is as follows;

Stage 1

Propose Policy or a Change to Policy

You can enter a policy suggestion in the Peoples Voice which you can access through our menu or on the button below, for people to vote on, use the Poll link when you create the post for your suggested change or policy as a Poll in the Peoples Voice, once this reaches 1000 votes (National) or 2% of voting age population (State) or 3% of voting age local population (Local/Shire) and if it fits within the constitution it will be placed in the QMS News/Media Section. 

Please select a group category for the policy to reside in, you will also need to set the category for if you are proposing it for National, State or Local/Shire.

Stage 2

Policy is Placed in Newsfeed and Relevant Policy Group 

The new policy or suggested change to policy will go to stage 3 when it has 10,000 people (National) or 10% of voting age population (State) or 15% voting age population (Local/Shire) liking it in the News Feed.

Stage 3

Expert Review

When 10,000 National or State, Local/Shire Percentages are reached where people want the policy or changes a board of Experts in the field of the proposed policy will be assembled from volunteers who have registered their interest to join these boards, they will be vetted to ensure that they don't have any conflicts or interest or vested interests in the policy.

These experts will set a time frame to transparently test and measure the policy and must video all meetings and testing methods and procedures and place the videos into the News Feed and into the groups related to the particular policy being altered.

They will also propose and write the new policy or change in simple common language and this will also go into the News Feed for us all to review. The review period will also be set by the experts and must not be less than 7 days to enable people to propose suggested changes and to review and check the method and procedures used to develop the policy to ensure it stands up under scrutiny.

Stage 4

Policy is Voted on Using the new QMS Blockchain Democracy APP


After the set timeframe and assuming no further testing, changes or revising are required, the policy will be placed in the QMS voting blockchain APP to enable the referendum vote to take place, a time frame for the final vote will be set. 

The vote will pass on 51% and will then be sent to the relevant public service for implementation.

You can vote Yes or No, voting is not compulsory.


Voting & Policy Categories

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